Sunday, April 17, 2016


Run like the wind, bulls-eye!

It's that time again~! Time for another update!

Remember this guy? 

He is my project for a good month or so, and my job is to make 3D work, from sculpt to game res mesh to engine. Now, this past two weeks was spent both trying to figure out the shapes being used for this guy and getting a nice and clean sculpt out of him. 

First step, what are his actual shapes?

That was pretty straight forward, and made it pretty easy to go onto the next step. That was the both model his basic shape, and then get him into ZBrush. Or at least, that's what made it really easy for me to do. 

Proxy Maya Model:


Zbrush Sculpt:


And finally, a fancy turntable just to show off all of the angles. 83

Wednesday, April 6, 2016

Month Long Project a-go-go!

So much art, so wow~

Alrighty, let's have another update! Yay!
For my specialization class, we are going to start working on Portfolio pieces. We get to choose what we want to work on, and as someone who LOVES working on monsters and animals, guess what I chose? 

Aiju from Square Enix's Gyromancer Game
I'm going to work on this guy here, making him in a 3D model in Autodesk Maya, then moving him into ZBrush. This will be a fun project and a relaxation from working on the same creatures for a while now. Would love to mess with that fur when the time comes. xD

Aiju shape language study

My sketch, side pose for game res modeling. And sculpting rederence.